Gift Giving Makes You Happy. Free Book with Orders.

Gift Giving Makes You Happy. Free Book with Orders.

Gift Giving Makes You Happy!

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REMO is not a General Store in the traditional sense. No one relies on us for salt, ropes or kerosene lamps. However (it is submitted) our offer does address a constellation of higher order customer needs.

A customer named James said this on the Lovemarks website in 2004:

“To give a gift from REMO is a guaranteed hit, to receive one an absolute delight.”

In 2011, after a bout of existential shopkeeper ennui, and to further convince ourselves that what we were doing was worthwhile, we connected this notion of gift giving to the pursuit of happiness, then (and still now) a western preoccupation.

The new slogan “Gift Giving Makes You Happy” (reproduced on a range of REMO merchandise HERE) was used in a new design for a REMO campaign in November 2011; and here’s what we said on the flip side of a free Avantcard postcard that ended up being distributed throughout Australia:

“There’s a warm fuzzy feeling you get when you give someone a gift. It’s an ancient ritual that generates some very timely 21st Century benefits. The happiness research is in. When you do something for someone else, your brain produces dopamine and other happymaking hormones. And you can satisfy this pursuit of happiness at … Thoughtful gifts for thoughtful times.”

This phenomenon is also discussed in Chapter 78 of General Thinker.

So, we're going to follow our own advice.

Just for fun, we will include a FREE copy of that book with every order placed between now and Midnight on Wednesday 5 December.

Add the book to your cart and enter the code FREEBOOK in at the checkout to have the full $30 subtracted from your shopping cart total.

Start on the book page HERE.



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